Climate Solutions for Affordable Housing in NYC - Climate Week NYC — Resilient Red Hook
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Climate Solutions for Affordable Housing in NYC - Climate Week NYC

Karen Blondel, a Resilient Red Hook committee member is speaking during Climate Week. Join us!

Buildings are the source of approximately 70% of New York City’s greenhouse gas emissions, and constitute a significant opportunity for emissions reductions. How do we achieve these reductions in a manner that is equitable, inclusive, and that maintains affordability?

Join us for a conversation with environmental justice advocates, the Mayor’s office, and others, as we explore the successes and challenges in efforts to decarbonize and increase the resilience of the building sector, particularly with respect to housing that serves low-income populations in New York City.


  • Kartik Amarnath, NYC Environmental Justice Alliance

  • Karen Blondel, 5th Avenue Committee

  • Sandhya Murali, Solstice

  • Aaron Ordower, NYC Mayor's Office of Sustainability

  • Stephan Roundtree, WeACT

Moderated by Shiva Prakash, NY Lawyers for the Public Interest.

This event is hosted by the NYC Climate Action Alliance and the New York City Environmental Law Leadership Institute and sponsored by the Fordham Social Innovation Collaboratory. This is a Climate Week NYC 2018 affiliate event. All are welcome.